life lately here in Illinois

Well it's been a month here in Illinois now. 
I decided a while ago I was going to sell with Jord if he trained me,
and well I've stuck with it and I actually kind of like it. 
Once you get passed all the rude people it's kind of a fun job. 
I have met some absolute wonderful people and learned a lot about myself.
I have become so much more confident in talking to random strangers and making small talk. 
Stuff like that use to scare me, but now I look forward to it. 

After a few long weeks of work we spoiled ourselves with a trip to the city and some chicago pizza.
I have always seen pictures of "the bean" in downtown Chicago
but I had no idea it was so BIG!

Not sure if we like Lou Malnati's or Giordano's pizza better,
I guess we'll just have to keep trying both! :)
I may have also found my new favorite shake place and I wish they had one in Utah.
It's called Oberweis Dairy and their shakes are to die for!
So yes all I've eaten here is pizza and shakes, that's okay right?

Just kidding I've actually had some time on my hands, which is weird, I don't know what to do with all this time. I found out I actually like to cook. 
I'm gonna be honest and say I rarely cooked back home, mostly because it was time consuming and I thought cooking was hard, turns out it's not!
I will have to post some of my favorite recipes I have liked cooking. 

Jord insisted that we go to TopGolf one night and check it out.
I heard there is one in Utah now and it is a must!
It is so fun to go with a bunch of people, eat good food, play golf, 
or in my situation watch golf. I mean I tried a few times but after missing so much I gave up.

If anyone has been to Chicago or the area let me know all your favorites.
It's good hearing other people's suggestions on what to do on the weekends.
Oh and p.s. we may have bought season tickets to six flags so that's where we will be a majority of our weekends! :)