Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

I know I am a day late on this post but there were so many good conference talks that I wanted to talk about that it took me an extra day to get my thoughts together.

Linda K. Burton, the Relief Society General President, talked about cherishing our companions, our husbands. In Proverbs it says, "I lift thee, thee lift me, and together we ascend." I loved this scripture she referenced. This is a scripture that should be on a pillow to remind us that in a marriage it takes two to ascend and grow. In just a few short months Jordan and I will be married in the temple for time and all eternity. It brings tears to my eyes knowing this to be true, knowing that I can be with the love of my life forever. People always tell me, " Are you sure, forever is a long time to be with one person?" All I can say back is that forever is not long enough when you love someone this much. Forever with Jordan will be a dream come true.
"The nature of male and females spirits is such that they complete each other, not compete with each other." This is humbling to remember. Your companion is your best friend and other half. You want to lift them up and make them better, not tear them down. Competing with your companion will only tear both of you down. Sister Burton compared marriage to a pair of hands. Just one hand can accomplish a lot but with two hands you can conquer anything. A wife and a husband are each one hand and together they complete each other. Sister Burton also brought up questions to evaluate how you are treating your eternal companion:
1. When was the last time I sincerely praised my companion whether alone or in the presence of our children?
2. When was the last time I thanked, expressed love, or earnestly plead in faith for him in prayer?
3. When was the last time I stopped myself from saying something I knew could be hurtful to my companion?
4. When was the last time I apologized or asked for forgiveness, without adding the words "but if only you had" or "if only you hadn't"?
5. When was the last time I chose to be happy rather than be demanding to be right?
I appreciate how much Jordan does for me and the love he has for me and everyone around him. I am so thankful that I get to marry a worthy Priesthood holder and Returned Missionary. He shows me time and time again how wonderful of a husband he will be and future father, and I am eternally grateful to Heavenly Father for bringing this wonderful man into my life. :)

President Monson spoke Sunday Morning about temples and how they strengthen us.

"Inside the sacred sanctuary we find beauty and order. There is rest for our souls and rest from the cares of our lives. As we attend the temple there could come to us a compassion of spirituality and a feeling of peace that will transcend any feeling that can come to the human heart."
I get so excited thinking about going through the temple and receiving the blessings that come from it. I think about the day when Jordan and I walk out of the Salt Lake Temple hand in hand as the new Mr. and Mrs. Grill, and nothing makes me happier.

Lastly I want to to say how much I LOVED Jeffrey R. Holland's talk.

"Easter Sunday, this is the most sacred day of the year for special remembrance of brotherly hands and determined arms that reached into the very abyss of death to save us from our fallings and failings, our sorrows and our sins." Through out the long days, and weeks I get caught up in school or planning the wedding or thinking about the future that I don't stop and realize how blessed I am. How lucky I am to be able to repent for my sins and become a better person because of my Savior. I am able move forward from my sins and transgressions because of the amazing gift we have all been given, the Atonement. This General Conference answered so many of my prayers and prepared me for the wonderful blessings marriage will bring me.

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