1st Year Anniversary

Well, we made it a year!
And what an amazing year it has been.
I'm so glad I didn't listen to Jordan when he told me to stop taking pictures
because I put together a cheesy little video of all of our memories and adventures.
And he loved it! So all my hard work of getting him to cooperate paid off!

For our anniversary we decided to do one thing I have wanted to do and one thing Jord wanted to do.
So I chose pedicures because Jordan has never gotten one, and he didn't know what he was missing.
Again he loved it, he should really listen to my ideas more!
And he picked going into downtown Chicago and riding bikes around the city,
and that is now my top favorite thing we have done here in Chicago! So many he won the better date idea.
For every special occasion Jordan and I always write each other letters. And his did not disappoint :)
I chose to write him 100 things I love about him, really I just copied his he did for me a few years back!
Jord wrote me 100 things he loved about me after three dates together and I wrote him one after one year of being married. Mine was a little easier to write because I have years of memories with him, and his is still my favorite letter to read.

So here is a 7 minute video of our first year of marriage!

The Big Apple!

New York was a blast!!
I could go on for days how much I loved it, but no one wants to listen to me ramble!
So I'll keep it short and sweet. 
First off New York is so big that I think you would need a few months to explore it all.
But we made due in five days.

My Favorites
9/11 Memorial
Brooklyn Bridge
Time Square
Yankee Stadium
The Subway, haha I had never used one so it was all new to me!
5th Avenue
Statue of Liberty
Grand Central Station
Central Park 
New York Food!!
Tower 1
Natural History Museum
The Views!!
Magnolia Bakery

There was so much to do and see, and so many pokemon to catch, or so Jordan said! 

Little side note all trip I was begging my family to get a New York bagel and finally for Sunday brunch they agreed to try it out.
We may have waited an hour in line to get a few bagels but it was soooo worth the wait. 
Ess-a-Bagel blew my mind and I have been craving it since we left.
Also, we were all starving and inhaled our bagels so I didn't get a chance to take a picture of how big they are. Just take my word for it.

For anyone who hasn't been to New York these bagels should be your top priority.

Our second day in New York we decided to walk the Brooklyn Bridge into Manhattan, 
just so happened that we chose the hottest day that summer to go.
I honestly looked like I had just ran a marathon I was so sweaty.
But it was so worth it because we got street paintings, mangoes with chili powder, and the prettiest view of the city and the river. 

Thanks to my dad's friend Spencer, me, my mom and sisters got to have a girls day
filled with shopping, Time Square, and Broadway.
I had never been to a Broadway play before, so sitting front row at the Lion King
was a perfect first time. 

So our whole trip was kind of planned around the Yankees vs. Red Sox game.
My dad and brother and die hard fans.
When we were having a girls day the guys were having their day.
Jordan, Cort, and my dad got legend tickets to a Yankees game.
So their friday was spent feasting on steak, lobster, and stadium hot dogs.
Their seats were unbelievable, right behind the Yankees dugout by first base.
The next day we were going to another Yankees game as a family. 
My dad had bought the tickets a while back and told us they were nose bleed seats.
But we didn't care, all we wanted were cracker jack's, hot dogs.
As we were walking around the stadium trying to find out gate my dad leads us to one that says Legend seats here.
We didn't really think anything of it until we got inside and were being seated in the best buffet I've ever been to. 
My dad surprised us with Legend tickets for the whole family. And let me tell you that is the way to do baseball.
All the food, drinks, and treats you could imagine. Especially the make your own doughnuts :)
And a crazy good view of the game. 
Oh also, my cute sister Paige said her goal all game was to catch a baseball, and when she wants something she gets it. She is one persistent little girl.
After every inning she would drag me to where the ball boy was and beg him for a ball. 
This happened every inning and she didn't end up getting one until the end of the game.
She went up to a umpire with her cute puppy dog eyes and begged one last time.
And of course she got it.