1st Year Anniversary

Well, we made it a year!
And what an amazing year it has been.
I'm so glad I didn't listen to Jordan when he told me to stop taking pictures
because I put together a cheesy little video of all of our memories and adventures.
And he loved it! So all my hard work of getting him to cooperate paid off!

For our anniversary we decided to do one thing I have wanted to do and one thing Jord wanted to do.
So I chose pedicures because Jordan has never gotten one, and he didn't know what he was missing.
Again he loved it, he should really listen to my ideas more!
And he picked going into downtown Chicago and riding bikes around the city,
and that is now my top favorite thing we have done here in Chicago! So many he won the better date idea.
For every special occasion Jordan and I always write each other letters. And his did not disappoint :)
I chose to write him 100 things I love about him, really I just copied his he did for me a few years back!
Jord wrote me 100 things he loved about me after three dates together and I wrote him one after one year of being married. Mine was a little easier to write because I have years of memories with him, and his is still my favorite letter to read.

So here is a 7 minute video of our first year of marriage!

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