What better way to reflect on 2015 than by looking through old pictures.
Actually I love looking through old pictures,
this time I actually had a reason to.
Starting from the beginning
Living in Orem/Provo
Going to school at UVU with my best friends (Jordan, Cort, and Chantil)
Getting engaged to my best friend!
Girls trip to Vegas! (Not pictured- Mom and Char)
First time going to Zions! First time hiking Angels Landing!
Wedding Crafts Galore!
Saying Buh-Bye to the Sister Missionaries
Starting a new job and making new friends!
Soo many fun wedding photoshoots
Going through the Temple for the first time!
Getting Married- This might top all memories EVER!
Becoming a Grill!
Honeymoooooning in St. Thomas!
Also I turned the big 20 and Jord turned 23
I somehow managed to get a 3.93 both semesters in 2015
Jord and I learned that marriage has its ups and downs
We moved into a new house or basement apartment
Adopted a kitty and named it kitty
Jord and I learned that food is expensive, actually everything is expensive
(Thanks Mom and Dad for all your hard work)
I also learned how amazing it is to have such a wonderful family
Being married and living away from home is hard
Making cookies and not having them eaten in two seconds is new
Quality time spent with family is my absolute favorite
I love my kind parents
I love my crazy siblings
I adore my loving grandparents
I love my sweet in-laws
I am so in love with this new hubby of mine and I'm gonna keep him forever.
2015 has been the best year yet and I can't wait for what is in store for 2016!
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